“In the eyes”: the tragic story of the hit of Slava Marlow

“In the eyes”: the tragic story of the hit of Slava Marlow

The tracks from Artyom’s debut album surprise with their variety and original sound solutions. But one of the compositions touches with sensuality and pain, which is permeated with. “In the eyes” ends the 2020 EP with a heavy semantic load and a tragic background. How was this song born?

The meaning of the song “In the eyes”: To Whom Is the Song Dedicated?

The fact that there is a clear message in the text and its presentation became clear when, even before its release, Slava Merlow caught up with suspense, saying that this track might never be released during his lifetime. It became even more disturbing when an insert from a news release sounded in the track, where it was about an accident and a girl who died in a fire. Slava dedicated his composition to her.

This is not an accidental mention of the tragedy. Artem went to the same school with the girl Daria. Rumor has it that they were connected not only by friendship, but also by their first school love. Each line is addressed to a person whom the guy will never see next to him again.

I see everything in my eyes

What do you want to tell me

I won’t know you

And you me, and we each other.

It’s about the guy not being able to talk to his childhood friend. She is no more, because their acquaintance remains somewhere in the chambers of the soul. The past is gone forever. Only looking at old photos and peering into the eyes of the girl, the author seems to be talking to her and understands everything without words.

The refrain is performed with anguish on overload. This presentation expresses pain and despair. The text allegorically refers to the fire that killed Daria. Ice is opposed to flame, and cold is opposed to heat.

Ice is not only in the heart and soul of the performer, but also in his glass. This is a reference to strong alcohol, in which the guy seeks solace, forgetting for a while.

The second verse is similar to the first and carries the same message. The only difference is in the text presentation. This time, Artyom reads everything by lips. In addition, he has already said everything about the tragedy. Words cannot change anything, therefore he no longer wants to discuss this topic, putting an end to the release of this composition.

The history of the song “In the eyes”: a terrible accident in Novosibirsk

This track would never have been born if on September 13, 2011 there had not been an accident in Novosibirsk. The bus brakes failed. He rammed several cars in front of him. From the blow of Suzuki, in which there was 11-year-old Daria, flared up. The girl could not be taken out of the car, despite the attempts of her mother and the bus driver.

The horrific footage has spread all over the country. At that time, no one suspected the existence of the boy Artem Gottlieb, for whom the incident was a personal tragedy. He communicated with the deceased from early childhood, as evidenced by their joint school photographs. So far, allegations about the peculiarities of the relationship between two schoolchildren can only have the character of speculation.

Interesting fact: the song “You burn like fire”, leaked online in December 2020, may be dedicated to the same terrible events.

After the release of the track “In the Eyes”, Slava Marlowe’s fans began to actively leave their comments under the old videos from the scene. They express their condolences to Artyom and admire his sensual presentation of the composition. Those who like to express themselves in this way should choose a different way of self-realization, because this will not return the little man. Would these people have paid attention to the trouble if Slava had not made it public?

“In the eyes”: the tragic story of the hit of Slava Marlow
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