Greta Thunberg: biography of the activist and who finances her

Full name

Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg

Occupation social activist
Age (date of birth) 01.03.2003
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Greta Thunberg is a minor environmental activist from Sweden, whose name thundered all over the world after the “hit” on the participants of the UN climate summit on September 23, 2019.

Biography of Greta Thunberg

The future eco-activist was born in the environmentally friendly city of Stockholm (the capital of Sweden) on January 3, 2003. Greta’s mother is Swedish opera singer Malena Ernman, who represented the country at Eurovision in 2009. The girl’s father is actor Svante Thunberg. He is known especially to the Swedish public.

Greta became concerned about the frightening dynamics of climate change at the age of 8. After that, she began to put eco-ultimatums to her parents, for example, not to fly on airplanes.

Since 2018, the teenager has moved to more active actions. At first, she drew attention to herself with a single picket near the walls of the Swedish Parliament. After that, the girl began to travel around the country with a poster “School strike for climate.” It has become an integral part of her work. By the way, the teenager does not go to school, saying that he will return to school only after the reaction of world leaders to the problems of climate change.

Such a deep passion for environmental issues is largely due to the peculiarities of the psyche of the young Thunberg.

Greta Thunberg protest
Greta Thunberg on a solo picket

What’s wrong with Thunberg? Asperger’s syndrome and other diseases

Greta has a whole triad of diseases – doctors discovered that the girl had Asperger’s syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and selective mutism. Asperger’s Syndrome is a congenital form of autism that has no cure.

OCD is the presence of intrusive, disturbing thoughts that lead to frequent repetition of the same actions. For example, this is the fear of getting infected with constant washing of hands, the fear of leaving the gas turned off and the pointless multiple checks of the stove. The heroine of this article apparently has a fear of global warming. Although usually suspicious, OCD patients are capable of infrequent maximal-decisive actions. Selective mutism is when a child cannot speak in certain situations, for example, he can communicate well with his parents, but be withdrawn from his peers.

The girl spoke about her diagnoses, generalizing them in this way: she speaks only when she sees fit, and also does not know how to lie, for her the world is clearly divided into white and black.

Greta’s speech at the UN and public outcry

On September 23, 2019, the activist spoke at the UN at a summit on environmental issues. The girl had to cross the Atlantic Ocean on a yacht, because she is an ardent opponent of air travel that pollutes the atmosphere.

Greta yacht atlantica
Greta’s transatlantic journey

In her speech, Thunberg announced that she and fifteen other children, including Catarina Lorenzo, Alexandria Villaseñor and Carl Smith, have filed a complaint against five states that are not on track to achieve the emissions reduction targets they have set themselves under the Paris 2015 agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. These are Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany and Turkey, these countries are among the leaders in the world in terms of carbon emissions. The complaint was filed with the Committee on the Rights of the Child, in accordance with the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, by the international law firm Hausfeld, acting on behalf of child activists.

In addition, the activist spoke sharply in the direction of the summit participants, saying that they stole her childhood from her and only think about money.

Donald Trump, after watching Greta’s speech, could not resist trolling, writing on Twitter that she looks like a very happy girl who looks to a wonderful future.

Greta Thunberg and the Soros Foundation

The activist’s connection with George Soros was seriously talked about in December 2018, when some joker glued a photo-toad, on which Greta was hugging a billionaire. For a while, the public thought it was the original, but the fake was soon exposed. But trolling didn’t come out of nowhere.

Greta’s constant companion at the protests is the activist Louise-Maria Neubauer, who works for the One Foundation. This fund receives serious grants from Soros. According to some information circulating on the Internet, the Thunberg family earned about $ 1 million in a year precisely thanks to the activities of their daughter.

Greta Thunberg now

The activist has collected many positive reviews. The girl for the year of her activity received many awards and met with dozens of world leaders.

But it was not without a flurry of criticism. The Russian portal Lurkmore posted an article with a sharply negative assessment of its activities, related, in particular, to the exaggeration of the concept of global warming. Misunderstanding caused her activities in her homeland, where right-wing politicians are sure that world leaders are using the girl for their not very good purposes. Some blame Greta’s parents for everything, who supposedly earn money on her.

In this whole story, the fear is precisely that, due to her illness, she takes everything to heart. Are the parents and the world community right that keeps the girl afraid of a global environmental catastrophe? What is your opinion?

Image source: Instagram girls.

Greta Thunberg: biography of the activist and who finances her
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